Uffe Elbaek
Uffe Elbaek, a former minister in the Danish government, said that the human race needs new ideas, new processes of doing things as well as a whole new approach that will help humanity to take each other with understanding and empathy. This is an indication that the rest of the world should now focus on culture and arts as a critical source of societal challenges. This is indeed what the value of life entails.
In 2012, there was the creation of the Future Generation Art Prize which was aimed at helping younger artists to be more proactive in global transition through development of cultural societies.
The creator of the foundation that launched the prize, Victor Pinchuk, said that he believes that artists can be trusted with the future more than analysts and politicians. This should be the position of arts in the world over. Some artists met with another group of humanitarians whose work is promote peace and social justice. They were discussing how arts relate with culture. More meetings were held in East London so as to lay more emphasis on the relationship between arts, culture, and education. It is important to point out that artists need to share knowledge and experiences with various organizations and educational institutions so that the place of arts in the society may not be compromised.
Art is certainly for humanity sake. It has come to the realization of many people that the planet earth may not be able to support many of us. There is untold rise in inequality and decrease in wellbeing. This has led to an increase in poverty, mass migration, conflicts, and a host of other societal problems. There is absolute need for people to act fast so as to erase many problems that are compounding each day. Everyone can flourish under arts and the field of arts is simply limitless. The only limit is a person’s imagination power.
No one is born with prejudice, hatred, greed, and bigotry. Each of these is a behavior that one learns along the path of life. It is therefore necessary to find new ways of dealing with such vices and creating an environment that fosters better understanding and propagation of human rights.

Art Therapy
Arts and culture is one of the most dynamic methods and norms that can make human behavior change. It is able to increase empathy, trigger reflection, increase dialogue and help generate new ideas and relationships that can enhance expression of ideas and positive values. Arts helps humanity build new possibilities and rehearse a different way of living and connecting. Arts can help humanity come up with significant things and can also motivate people to relate with each other in a positive manner.
However, in order to have this potential realized, there should be a better understanding of the impact of arts in human values and character. Human values are the controlling principles that increase the motivation of human nature and attitude. The values shape the way human beings view and comprehend the world and the mentality that guide human thinking.